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 1. Peter Clayton  Robert Hohman, CEO and co-founder, Glassdoor.com  Total Picture Radio with Peter Clayton 
 2. Chris Waltzek  GSR-Sep 12-2009: Dr. Marc Faber, Chris Waltzek, Robert Chapman, Robert Ian  A Spina-Waltzek Production 
 3. Chris Waltzek  GSR-Aug 15-2009: Gerald Celente, Chris Waltzek, Robert Chapman, Robert Ian  A Spina-Waltzek Production 
 4. Chris Waltzek  GSR-Aug 29-2009: Harry S. Dent Jr., Chris Waltzek, Robert Chapman, Robert Ian  A Spina-Waltzek Production 
 5. Chris Waltzek  GSR-Aug 22-2009: Kevin Kerr, Chris Waltzek, Robert Chapman, Robert Ian  A Spina-Waltzek Production 
 6. Chris Waltzek  GSR-Nov.7-2009: Jim Rogers, Chris Waltzek, Robert Chapman, Robert Ian  A Spina-Waltzek Production 
 7. Chris Waltzek  GSR-Nov.7-2009: Jim Rogers, Chris Waltzek, Robert Chapman, Robert Ian  A Spina-Waltzek Production 
 8. Creeley, Robert  Robert Creeley lecture on Jack Spicer and Robert Duncan.  Robert Creeley lecture on Jack Spicer and Robert Duncan. 
 9. Jim Puplava  Special Gold Roundtable with guests Robert Longe, Robert Quartermain, André Gaumond & Peter Marrone 04/02/2005   
 10. Robert in Toronto  Robert's Soundseeing Tour #14 - Robert drives a Smart Car  Robert's Soundseeing Tours 
 11. Robert in Toronto  Robert's Soundseeing Tour #14 - Robert drives a Smart Car  Robert's Soundseeing Tours 
 12. Robert in Toronto  Robert's Soundseeing Tour #14 - Robert drives a Smart Car  Robert's Soundseeing Tours 
 13. Reid Hoffman  Linkedin Co-Founder and CEO  Landed.fm 
 14. Bryan S. Person  #JournChat founder Sarah Evans  Media Bullseye Radio 
 15. ZDNet - David Berlind  ActiveGrid founder Peter Yared  IT Matter Volume II 
 16. Chris O'Brien  Interview with FriendFeed co-founder Bret Taylor  Inside Silicon Valley 
 17. Greater Good Radio  Gail Jennings: Co-Founder of HawaiiDiner.com and Everybody Eats  Greater Good Radio 
 18. Amber Rhea and Rusty Tanton  Interview: Kiki Carr, founder of PinkEye  Mostly ITP 
 19. Greater Good Radio  Lane Muraoka: Founder of Big City Diner  Greater Good Radio 
 20. Anna Farmery  Show 246 - Lessons From Fast Company Founder  The Engaging Brand 
 21. Kent Bottles and MedPundit Founder Sydney Smith  Interview with MedPundit Founder Dr Sydney Smith  The Journal of Medical Practice Management 
 22. Anna Farmery  Show #247 - Lessons from Fast Company Founder Pt2  The Engaging Brand 
 23. Chris O'Brien  Interview with FriendFeed co-founder Bret Taylor  Inside Silicon Valley 
 24. Greater Good Radio  Dustin Sellers: Co-Founder of ProService Hawaii  Greater Good Radio 
 25. Interwoven's GearUp Podcast  Interview: Terry Jones, CEO and Founder of Travelocity  podcast@interwoven.com 
 26. ZDNet - David Berlind  Interview with Delicious Founder Joshua Schacter  IT Matters Volume II 
 27. ZDNet - David Berlind  Interview: tinyurl.com founder Kevin Gilbertson  ITMatters Volume 2 
 28. Greater Good Radio  Pono Shim: Founder of Concierge Services at Ward  Greater Good Radio 
 29. Greater Good Radio  John Bower: Co-Founder and Partner in Sennet Capital  Greater Good Radio 
 30. Greater Good Radio  Kenton Eldridge: Co-founder and Partner at Sennet Capital  Greater Good Radio 
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